2024 Alice B Toklas Medal Winner: Nat Burns

Join us in congratulating Nat Burns as one of this year’s recipients of the 2024 Alice B Tolkas Medal!

The Alice B Medal: This award is given annually to living writers who have careers distinguished by consistently well-written stories about lesbians. The award is given only once in appreciation of lifetime career achievement. In addition to the medal, each recipient is given a monetary honorarium.

At least two Medals are given out annually. Selections are made from lists of all-time favorite living authors compiled by the committee members. In order to qualify a writer must have published substantial works, usually at least five books (though occasionally, someone has written as few as three or four books that were all so incredible and reflect such great career achievement that we have waived the that rule). Decisions are by consensus. The order of selection for this prize has nothing to do with how the writers are ranked in our hearts and minds.
— The Alice B Awards Committee
Desert Palm Press

Founded in 2014 by R. Lee Fitzsimmons the mission of Desert Palm Press has been and continues to be the publishing of stories that accurately and respectfully reflect the diverse lives of the Lesbian and LGBTQ+ community. We strive to make silenced voices heard. Our publication list reflects lesbian fiction of many fiction genres and in the future will include, we trust, non-fiction.

Our books are a collaboration of our authors, editors, graphic designers, and proofreaders.  We strive to give you, the reader, an experience that embraces and reflects our diverse lives.

Our ebooks and paperbacks are available worldwide. Desert Palm Press titles are available through our website, Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and other third-party retailers. They are also available through Scribd and Overdrive library services.

R Lee Fitzsimmons


Desert Palm Press
1961 Main Street, Suite 220
Watsonville, CA 95076


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